Proportionate Response: Yale Law students say it might be time to stop inviting Federalist Society members to parties. Conservative media outlet publishes the identities of these enemies of #FREEDOM and snitches to their employers. Sounds about right.
Doth Protest Too Much, Methinks: Clarence Thomas is awfully upset about the leak that people are increasingly convinced came from his wife.
It Was Fun While It Lasted!: The Alex Jones bankruptcy effort to circumvent looming civil damages has hit an entirely predictable speedbump.
Statement Against Interest: Wait… a law professors touting a Democratic pedigree while smoothing the road for right-wing assaults on women? Who saw that coming other than everybody. (Bonus: Jonathan Turley also didn’t vote for Donald Trump so his work protecting Trump from impeachment is above reproach.)
J.D. Advantage Jobs: Lawyer bucks profession to stream Call of Duty. Wait, that’s the opposite of predictable.
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