“Little Caesars has made immediate and significant efforts to comply with the court’s preliminary injunction order. Although the vast majority of the materials with the term ‘Pizza Puffs’ have been removed or destroyed, Little Caesars is dealing with some logistical issues relating to physical drive-thru menus at Little Caesars restaurants with drive-thru operations,” Little Caesars’ Chicago-based attorneys with Crowell & Moring claimed.

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“Little Caesars has made immediate and significant efforts to comply with the court’s preliminary injunction order. Although the vast majority of the materials with the term ‘Pizza Puffs’ have been removed or destroyed, Little Caesars is dealing with some logistical issues relating to physical drive-thru menus at Little Caesars restaurants with drive-thru operations,” Little Caesars’ Chicago-based attorneys with Crowell & Moring claimed.

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