With Agencies in Turmoil, Regulatory Lawyers Advise Caution

With Agencies in Turmoil, Regulatory Lawyers Advise Caution

“We’re definitely not in a time of certainty, said Sidley Austin partner Steven Cohen. “I don’t think that lawyers like myself have clear regulatory guidance yet from the administration in terms of advising our clients.       “We’re definitely not in...
Dechert Grows Revenue Past $1.5B, Rebounding After Flat 2023

Dechert Grows Revenue Past $1.5B, Rebounding After Flat 2023

In the year before its 150th anniversary, the firm increased its top line by 17% over the prior year, while profits per equity partner surged 36% to over $4.8 million.       In the year before its 150th anniversary, the firm increased its top line by 17% over the...