Patents Expose Celebrities: Part Deux

In December 2024, we wrote about the many celebrities involved in the production of their own works and some of the resultant U.S. patent office activity. Many more celebrities have invented products not directly related to their day jobs. Below are tales about a few...

6 Key Legal Trends 2025: Prepare Your Firm for the Future

Call Rail Legal trends 2025: Your guide to understanding emerging technologies, client expectations, and how to position your firm for success. The post 6 Key Legal Trends 2025: Prepare Your Firm for the Future appeared first on Articles, Tips and Tech for Law Firms...

If You’re Not First, You’re Last: IP Edition

You may notice that this is the first IP column by Z. Peter Sawicki with a new co-author! Fear not, James L. Young is still involved, sharing wisdom and providing editorial guidance, and is available to share practice tips and anecdotes in our musings about...