* From tut-tutting the “doom” talk of dissenters to refusing to acknowledge their own precedents in the light of day, the latest Supreme Court Term can only be described as a master class in gaslighting. [NY Times]

* Lawyers could pay the price for pushing clients into abusive tax moves. [American Lawyer]

* SDNY nominee stymied in committee because as a magistrate she approved transferring a Trans woman to a women’s prison in a move supported by the district court and the wardens involved. [Courthouse News Service]

* “‘F**king finally, a criminal question’ – barrister fined for swearing through ethics exam.” [Roll on Friday]

* This will not shock you at all, but Matthew Kacsmaryk has just blocked another national policy from Amarillo. [Newsweek]

* NCAA suffers another setback as Third Circuit rejects amateurish amateurism argument. [Reuters]

* Texas Supreme Court chief hypes GenAI as a solution for families that cannot afford legal representation. Last month, the Texas Supreme Court blocked local efforts to provide financial assistance to poor people. [Law.com]

* Bob Menendez corruption trial heading to the jury. [Law360]

* FIFA bolsters US legal team. [Bloomberg Law News]