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Stat(s) Of The Week: How Much Do In-House Lawyers Make? 5

Last week, ATL released its 2024 report on in-house compensation, providing a detailed look at how much corporate counsel make. The report draws on information from more than 1,100 attorneys working at private companies, public corporations, and nonprofit organizations.

The results show that compensation rose in the last year, with median annual pay (including base salary and most recent cash bonus) increasing from $284,000 to $300,000. 

More than 90 percent of the in-house attorneys surveyed reported base salaries of at least $150,000, while the percentage of counsel whose annual pay reached $1 million or more has doubled since 2023, from 3 percent to 6 percent. 

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Stat(s) Of The Week: How Much Do In-House Lawyers Make? 6

Compensation for attorneys who lead their departments showed the greatest gains, as median pay for chief legal officers and general counsel climbed 12 percent, from $325,000 to $365,000.

For more benchmarking information and insights into in-house counsel pay, download a free copy of the 2024 In-house Compensation Survey Report, presented in partnership with our friends at iManage. 

The post Stat(s) Of The Week: How Much Do In-House Lawyers Make? appeared first on Above the Law.

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Stat(s) Of The Week: How Much Do In-House Lawyers Make? 7

Last week, ATL released its 2024 report on in-house compensation, providing a detailed look at how much corporate counsel make. The report draws on information from more than 1,100 attorneys working at private companies, public corporations, and nonprofit organizations.

The results show that compensation rose in the last year, with median annual pay (including base salary and most recent cash bonus) increasing from $284,000 to $300,000. 

More than 90 percent of the in-house attorneys surveyed reported base salaries of at least $150,000, while the percentage of counsel whose annual pay reached $1 million or more has doubled since 2023, from 3 percent to 6 percent. 

2024InHouseComp TotalAnnualPay
Stat(s) Of The Week: How Much Do In-House Lawyers Make? 8

Compensation for attorneys who lead their departments showed the greatest gains, as median pay for chief legal officers and general counsel climbed 12 percent, from $325,000 to $365,000.

For more benchmarking information and insights into in-house counsel pay, download a free copy of the 2024 In-house Compensation Survey Report, presented in partnership with our friends at iManage.