Legal Legacy Special Issue
In this inaugural issue, Attorney at Law Magazine is excited to highlight some of the lawyers with family legacies int the practice of law.
Lawyers! I’m excited to introduce our Inaugural Legal Legacy special issue! Over the years, we’ve shared many stories of lawyers who were inspired to pursue the practice of law by a father, a mother, a grandfather, etc. With this issue, we highlight those lawyers and their family legacies on a whole new level.
Throughout the issue, we have shared small insights from lawyers about the family member who inspired their practice as well as the lawyers who have been followed into the practice of law by their children.

In this issue, we also had the pleasure of sharing the stories of several family legacies.
In our cover story, attorney Brandon Schwartz speaks to the standard his father created at their firm and how honored he is to carry on that mantle as they practice side by side.
In Nevada, the legal dynasty established by the Hicks family is well-known. We sat down with Bud, Josh and Chris Hicks to discuss their family’s dedication to the legal profession which began with their brother/uncle/father – Larry Hicks.
When we sat down with Wylie Aitken to discuss his family legacy, he spoke of the very different paths that led each of his three children to the practice of law as well as to his firm.
JoDee Neil shared the impact her father and his practice had on her growing up and how he continued to challenge her as she established herself in the legal profession.
Thank you to all the lawyers who shared a bit of themselves and their family in this issue. Here’s to the many more generations of lawyers to come!
Our next special issue, Women in Law, will highlight female practitioners who not only excel in the practice of law but who stand as leaders in their community, in their practice or who have sought to break barriers and assist future generations of women lawyers. To participate, please contact me.
Happy Reading,

Kenneth Minniti
The Stories

Schwartz Law Firm: A Family Legacy in Litigation
For more than 40 years, the Schwartz Law Firm has been a pillar of advocacy and justice in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Arizona. The firm was founded by Michael Schwartz on a foundation of discipline, teamwork and an unrelenting drive to win – something he brought from his days on the fairway. This legacy has been carried on by his

The Aitken Family Legacy: Four Roads, One Destination
Some families pass down heirlooms—watches, recipes, or even old love letters. The Aiken family, however, has passed down a legacy based upon a passion for justice. Wylie Aiken built his California law firm with dedication and grit, but what makes this story remarkable isn’t just the firm’s success, but rather the unconventional journeys of each of his children. Darren, Chris

The Hicks Dynasty: A Legacy of Legal Excellence
In the realm of law, few families have left a mark as enduring and distinguished as the Hicks family. With proud roots that run five generations deep in Nevada, the name Hicks has long been synonymous with premier legal acumen, an unwavering commitment to justice, and dedication to public service. From McDonald Carano LLP’s founding office in Reno—where three of

JoDee Neil: A Legacy of Law
“Dad drove me to his office at Cedar Springs and Field Street near downtown Dallas where I began doing clerical work and legal drafting from age 13 until I started at the DA’s Office. Though I’m in my 20th year of lawyering, I call that bonus practice,” says attorney JoDee Neil. Neil is a fourth-generation Texan and second-generation trial attorney.

Schwartz Law Firm: A Family Legacy in Litigation
For more than 40 years, the Schwartz Law Firm has been a pillar of advocacy and justice in Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa and Arizona. The firm was founded by Michael Schwartz on a foundation of discipline, teamwork and an unrelenting drive to win – something he brought from his days on the fairway. This legacy has been carried on by his

The Aitken Family Legacy: Four Roads, One Destination
Some families pass down heirlooms—watches, recipes, or even old love letters. The Aiken family, however, has passed down a legacy based upon a passion for justice. Wylie Aiken built his California law firm with dedication and grit, but what makes this story remarkable isn’t just the firm’s success, but rather the unconventional journeys of each of his children. Darren, Chris

The Hicks Dynasty: A Legacy of Legal Excellence
In the realm of law, few families have left a mark as enduring and distinguished as the Hicks family. With proud roots that run five generations deep in Nevada, the name Hicks has long been synonymous with premier legal acumen, an unwavering commitment to justice, and dedication to public service. From McDonald Carano LLP’s founding office in Reno—where three of

JoDee Neil: A Legacy of Law
“Dad drove me to his office at Cedar Springs and Field Street near downtown Dallas where I began doing clerical work and legal drafting from age 13 until I started at the DA’s Office. Though I’m in my 20th year of lawyering, I call that bonus practice,” says attorney JoDee Neil. Neil is a fourth-generation Texan and second-generation trial attorney.
Legacies in Law
In the following section, Attorney at Law Magazine highlights lawyers from across the nation who were inspired to practice law by a previous generation or who have had the next generation follow in their footsteps.

Quint C. Doan on His Father, Kirk H. Doan
Quint is an associate at Stinson LLP in Dallas Texas. His father, Kirk, is a partner at the same firm.
My father always told me that he was paid to learn and that each legal task required new knowledge or skills. That intellectual challenge and fulfillment of learning motivated me to pursue law. Admittedly, I tried other fields first, but the mental challenge empowered my daily legal practice.
My father has always been very curious, a trait I also see in myself. He emphasizes cordiality and respect in every interaction at his work. As a lawyer, it can be difficult to balance advocacy and professionalism, but I look to his approach to ensure I convey my message firmly without letting emotions or animosity distract from the issues.
Despite our differing opinions on various issues, my father has always encouraged me to believe in my ideas and abilities. This has allowed me to challenge certain ideas and stand firm in my arguments when I believe my logic has value. The confidence he instilled in me helps me approach legal challenges, even when facing difficult circumstances.
Kirk H. Doan on His Son, Quint C. Doan
I always believed Quint had the ability to become a lawyer and encouraged him from a young age. But as Churchill said of the Americans during WWII: “The Americans will always do the right thing – after they have tried everything else!” Quint pursued his interests in outdoor activities and environmental issues at a large state university but was unsure of his next step after graduation. I encouraged him to take the LSAT to explore whether a legal education might provide additional opportunities. He worked hard preparing for the exam and achieved a perfect score of 180! He was accepted to many top law schools and ultimately picked Yale Law School.
Quint and I share a thirst for knowledge. The law is a career where you are paid to learn! I hope Quint masters his craft and finds it challenging and meaningful. Practicing law is not always fun, but it is meaningful and consequential for clients. A lawyer needs a servant’s attitude, coupled with honed skills and deep perception to understand and achieve clients’ goals. I hope to impart to him several lessons from my nearly 50 years of practice: It’s a marathon, not a sprint, so pace yourself and balance your priorities. Don’t be afraid to stretch your horizons – be competent, but don’t feel you must have all the answers immediately. Always do what is moral and ethical rather than what may be profitable. Be congenial to your colleagues and adversaries; antagonism wastes time, emotional health, and clients’ money.
Quint and I practice in the same firm but in different offices. Consequently, we can ethically work on projects for the same client and share client confidences. This allows us to delve more deeply into issues and analysis than if we worked for different firms. Practicing together allows us to sharpen each other’s analysis and draw upon each other’s strengths – for example, my experience combined with his research and analytic abilities. Additionally, our familial relationship makes us less reluctant to challenge each other’s propositions than in a traditional partner-associate relationship. In other words, it is easier to call out your dad than your supervising partner.
Mike McIntyre on His Sons, Joshua & Stephen

Mike is a senior adviser at Ward and Smith in Raleigh, NC. Joshua is an attorney and senior director for outreach at North Carolina Advocates for Justice. Stephen is an attorney at McIntyre Law Office in Lumberton, NC.
I was thrilled that both of my sons chose to go into law. It is truly amazing that they are also married to lawyers – Sarah Hill McIntyre, a family lawyer, and Angelica Chavis McIntyre, a chief judge of the District Court for Robeson County. As I often share with law students in the McIntyre-Whichard Legal Fellows mentorship program, a career in the law offers a wide variety of choices, and my two sons and two daughters-in-law are examples of the various opportunities available inasmuch as each of them have a different type of legal career.
When my sons were growing up, they often talked with me about the types of cases I had, which were quite varied since I had a small-town general civil practice. When I ran for Congress, they campaigned with us, participated in strategy sessions and attended the debates. They saw first-hand how a legal background was so valuable when running for and serving in public office. They both won merit scholarships to UNC as undergrads and went on to UNC Law School, following the same path with which I had been blessed.
Although I never met my great-grandfather, Stephen McIntyre (for whom my younger son is named), because he had passed away before I was born, there was no other person in our family whose traits of character, commitment and courage commanded the conscience of our family like him. Upon his untimely death at the height of his career, the governor of North Carolina, the president of Wake Forest College (where he was the first law student to matriculate), and a member of the NC State Supreme Court all extolled his virtues and his inspirational service to church, community, county and state.
As state senator, he introduced the bill to fund the public schools of North Carolina. He also rendered his services at no charge to prosecute the KKK for attacks upon two women, and he received a death threat in the form of a miniature casket that was delivered to him. The New York Times Sunday magazine featured this trial on its front page.
On the date of his death, he had just taught a Sunday School lesson on I Corinthians 13, the great chapter by the Apostle Paul on love. The local newspaper took a picture after his death of the chalkboard where he had written out the lesson. His iconic legendary status was summed up by his law partner, who called him “a power for righteousness in North Carolina” (R.C. Lawrence, “The State of Robeson” p. 199).

Ben Asser on His Father, David Asser
Ben is an attorney at Messner Reeves in Denver. David is the managing partner of Asser Law Group in Westminster, CO.
Growing up around my father, I always marveled at his compassion, understanding, and tenacity when assisting his immigration clients. To his clients, he was not just a lawyer, he was a pillar of strength – a reminder that even if it seemed that hope was lost, he would do everything he could to provide a light at the end of the tunnel. While I will be focusing my practice on transactional law, I will aim to be more than a lawyer, but a pillar of strength for my clients.
Andrew B. Lustigman on His Father Sheldon S. Lustigman
Andrew is a partner at Olshan Frome Wolosky in New York. Sheldon retired from his position as of counsel with the same firm.
“My father’s practice, like mine, focused on advertising and marketing law. As a child, he would bring home examples of his work, such as Sea Monkeys, or other novelty items, so that I was able to see the fun side of the law. I also admired how clients relied on my father for advice and for his help particularly when they were facing significant government enforcement actions. And he loved to help the little guy who was facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge.”
Sheldon practiced law for over 50 years. He was an icon in the field. In 1969, Sheldon appeared before the Supreme Court on the brief for the defense in United States v. Kordel, an important decision in the context of Fifth Amendment rights, closely held corporations, and parallel civil and criminal proceedings.
He opened his own advertising law boutique, The Lustigman Firm in the 1980s. In 1995, Andrew joined his practice. In 2011, the firm joined Olshan Frome Wolosky, LLP, where Sheldon continued to practice law for the next decade.
“My father displayed tremendous empathy toward his clients and never gave up fighting for them. He enjoyed editing advertising copy and coming up with constructive alternatives. He taught me: Any lawyer can say ‘no’ to a client – the skill is to provide a creative solution. Being a lawyer is many times like being a psychologist for your clients. You can disagree without being disagreeable. Always keep the other side talking to try to resolve a dispute. Make sure your clients know that you are fighting for them. Don’t forget to have a sense of humor.”

Todd Demetriades on His Daughter, Olivia Demetriades
Todd is special counsel with Ball Janik in Orlando. Olivia is a 2L at the University of Virginia.
Olivia earned her undergraduate degree in journalism at Northwestern and interned with La Nación, a newspaper in Buenos Aires. I thought she might pursue a career in international journalism. However, she has really embraced law school, and her journalism skillset translates well to the legal field. She is a second-year law student at the University of Virginia. This summer, she’ll be gaining experience at two prestigious law firms – a global firm in Los Angeles and a well-established firm in Winter Park, Florida.
I love that Olivia is blazing her own trail, and I hope she finds her career as a lawyer personally rewarding. Everything is in front of her. She has always had the knack and confidence to figure things out on her own and doesn’t need any lessons from me. If I were to give one piece of advice, it would be to stay true to herself.
Christopher R. Konneker on His Father J. Richard Konneker
Christopher is an associate attorney with Orsinger, Nelson, Downing & Anderson LLP in Frisco, TX. Richard retired from his role as of counsel with Haynes Boone in Plano, TX.
My earliest memories of my dad as an attorney were him always up super early before anyone else and heading out to work, as well as him being up early on the weekends and getting work done before others in the house woke up so he could spend time with us during the day. When I was a teenager, I did some light office work at his firm when he had his own practice. As I grew up, my dad’s commitment to his practice was clear – day in and day out he always produced outstanding work product. I wanted a career in helping others, and I remember near the end of college asking him whether I would make a good lawyer, or whether I should become a therapist. He told me that practicing law would let me help others in a broader sense, and that I would certainly not be bored.
I’ve never known my dad to back down from any challenge. Growing up there was never a problem too big for him either. And when I counsel my clients going through an emotionally charged traumatic time, I do my best to break down the issues, no matter how big the issue may seem. I find that showing my clients the same level of dedication and persistence as my dad showed every day in his practice helps me be the best possible advocate for my clients.
I remember, while I was in law school, talking to him about the different loyalties an attorney owes, such as a loyalty to the client, loyalty to the law, and loyalty to myself. He added to not forget about the loyalty to the law firm you are with either, as your own colleagues that you’re in the trenches with can be some of your strongest supporters. He also taught me that even in the darkest, hardest times one must keep a sense of humor. Even when I would be stressed with the latest case or upcoming trial, being able to laugh and move forward regardless of what’s ahead has given me a cheerful, compassionate approach to my own practice.

Thomas N. Sterchi on His Daughter, Megan Sterchi Lammert

Thomas is the founder and senior counsel of Baker Sterchi Cowden & Rice LLC in Kansas City, MO. Megan is a member of the same firm.
Meg had always told us that she would never become a lawyer. This was surprising because her mother, MaryMichael Sterchi, was an excellent trial lawyer and the first woman partner at Baker Sterchi. In high school, Meg concentrated on her studies, sports, and was an accomplished singer, dancer and actress. She was accepted into the journalism school at the University of Missouri. In the summer following her junior year, she went to Nashville to intern with Rascal Flatts’ talent management agency. One evening, my wife got a call from Meg, who informed her that she had decided to enroll in the Kaplan LSAT preparatory course. We were so excited. Meg explained that a constitutional law class she took in journalism school had piqued her interest in law.
Meg is an outstanding attorney, wife, daughter, friend and mother of three. We do not set goals or aspirations for her, as she has plenty of her own. We only hope that she will enjoy the practice of law as much as we do.
I love coming into the office daily and seeing that beautiful, smiling face and being able to talk with her about anything, especially cases in law. It is wonderful to see how other lawyers in the firm respect her and go to her for advice and counsel. That is very satisfying to a parent.
While Meg is already one of the most intelligent, disciplined lawyers we know, and will be successful in her practice, I hope that she has learned that to be successful in the practice of law you must also lead a balanced life of faith, family and friends. This means that you work to live. You do not live to work.
Megan “Meg” Sterchi Lammert on Her Father Thomas Sterchi
While I always admired (and still do) my dad’s hard work as a lawyer, I grew up saying I never wanted to be one (I was going to go to Hollywood or Broadway or something). I came to find out in college that I may have been a bit more interested in the practice of law than I let myself believe and that, as a trial lawyer, I could still do some performing!
In addition to his hard work and perseverance, my dad is always thinking ahead and visualizing the potential problems/obstacles that may arise for a client with a potential claim, claim, and/or lawsuit. This has allowed him to get ahead of many of those problems/obstacles and help the client come up with effective solutions to address the same and/or at least adequately prepare for defending against such claims/lawsuits. In other words, he is good at being proactive instead of reactive.
He taught me to always do what you say and say what you do. Your word is your bond in my dad’s eyes and if you say you are going to do something, you better show up and do it. Also, he has taught me the continued value in getting projects/tasks done early, instead of procrastinating until right before a deadline, so that you have plenty of time to review, tweak, and fix anything else necessary before the deadline.
Brandon Taaffe & Travis Taaffe on Their Father Michael Taaffe

Brandon is a partner at Shumaker, Loop & Kendrick, LLP in Sarasota, FL. Travis is an associate at the same firm. Michael is a partner at the same firm.
Brandon: As long as I can remember, I wanted to be a lawyer like my dad. I’m not sure exactly how that happened – maybe it was all the phone calls with clients in the car. He taught me to always put the client first, along with countless tips about litigation. Like him, I strive to never give up, never be afraid to take on a challenging matter and to balance my legal career with being a dad.
Travis: I am in the unique position of being able to be inspired by both my dad and older brother. Both have been highly influential in my decision to pursue a career in law. From my dad, I would say his ability to be a great leader of a team inspired me to want to work as an attorney in litigation, where you need a team effort on almost every case. From my brother, I was inspired by his versatility in being able to learn about and dutifully represent clients in new practice areas outside of his primary practice.
I think that both my brother and dad put an emphasis on trying to be creative in how they think about cases. For a career that can be painfully literal and logical, the skill of thinking outside of the box can be useful when the law or facts are not on your side in any given case.
I am still learning, but my brother has placed an emphasis on communication with clients. My brother has also taught me how to balance time in the office with time outdoors. From my dad, I have learned how to manage a team and how to be competitive in all aspects of the legal profession.
Jan and Malcolm Pitchford on Their Daughter, Alexandra Pitchford

Jan and Malcolm are partners at Shumaker Loop & Kendrick LLP in Sarasota, FL. Alexandra is a solicitor at Hall Brown in London, England. She is also licensed to practice in New York.
Alexandra always knew she wanted to be an attorney. She is 4,457 miles away from us, but she is happy and thriving. We hope that she continues to enjoy her work in 40 years as much she does now. We hope she will be named a partner at a top tier law firm in London or become an English judge – both are current goals of hers presently (at 27 years of age).
Dalya Farah On Her Father, Eddie Farah, and Her Uncle, Chuck Farah

Dalya is a personal injury attorney and team lead of trucking accidents at Farah & Farah in Jacksonville, FL. Eddie is the founder and managing partner of the firm. Chuck is a senior partner with the firm.
Even with all the hard work, I distinctly remember my dad coming home each night happy. Seeing what being a lawyer is really like and how he got to help people right here in Jacksonville made me know I wanted to follow that path, too.
I remember all the times growing up seeing my dad and Uncle Chuck working long hours to get a victim what they deserved. My dad saw the challenge of starting a business from scratch and worked to build a firm that gave injured people a voice to be heard. Our team today is proud to build on the legacy my dad instilled in the fabric of who we are when he first started Farah & Farah 45 years ago.
From a young age, my dad instilled in me just how personal this work is. I saw him meeting clients at coffee shops, in their homes, or wherever they needed him to be to reassure them time and again that he had their case, they were important, and we weren’t going anywhere until we reached a conclusion.
Eddie Farah on His Children and Nephew

Eddie (pictured above) is the founder and managing partner of Farah & Farah in Jacksonville, FL. His children and nephew all work at the firm. Dalya is the team lead of trucking accidents. Khalil is a personal injury litigation attorney. Rawan is a personal injury attorney. His nephew, Ramzi, is also a personal injury attorney.
I would come home day after day and talk over cases with my wife Reem and my children were right there seeing me put in the hard work for clients but also seeing how incredibly rewarding this work can be. I believe letting them see that a job can be incredibly fulfilling and the end results of helping people put their lives back together was very impactful on each of them. My kids also started working here in various capacities from an early age and were always around the office. Some of the people they knew as kids still work here, so it’s truly like a second home. My son, Khalil, has remarked how reassuring it was when he came onboard full time to have so many stout legal professionals surrounding him that he’d known for years and could always turn to for guidance.
You can ask anyone in the firm; these kids have worked hard to get here. I’m thankful for many of our more experienced attorneys taking them under their wing and showing them the ropes, just like we do with any of our new hires. No matter what path they choose, my brother Chuck and I are so proud of the next generation of Farahs and excited to watch each of them hone in on their own set of unique talents. For our attorneys, this work is for a higher purpose; it’s a calling. They love what they do, and they’re completely committed to our clients’ success. A question I’m always asking my team is, “What have you done today to make our clients’ lives better?” It truly is all about the client. If the next generation keeps that mentality, they’ll be infinitely successful.
It’s the honor of my life to have my children, Khalil, Dalya, and Rawan, as well as my nephew, Ramzi, all working here with us. They are all gifted attorneys in their own right, and our firm is truly better off having them here.

William D. Randall on His Father James Grafton Randall
William is a non-equity partner at Messner Reeves in Costa Mesa, CA. James is of counsel with the same firm.
My father’s passion for the work and his excitement that comes from winning a big case or developing a winning argument on a difficult motion first inspired me. Also, his ability to build a niche in his practice where he became the “go-to” for law and motion matters while a senior trial lawyer for a large national insurance company.
My father is resilient, tenacious and collegial. He taught me to mentor early and often and to always be willing to help others by answering questions, providing guidance, or just lending an ear (or two) to folks who want to chat. He also taught me to never stop learning. Don’t just attend the MCLE, teach it. Learn a subject and understand the concepts well enough to shore up your arguments at trial or arbitration.
Miles Krieger on His Grandfather, Jim Krieger
Miles is a partner at Best Best & Kreiger LLP in Riverside, CA.
My grandfather, Jim Krieger, was instrumental in expanding the water law practice at Best Best & Krieger LLP (BBK). He was involved in myriad water-related issues in California—both legal and political—and elsewhere in the Western United States.
Water was a central topic of discussion when I was growing up, driven in particular by my grandmother, Lois Krieger, who was the first chairwoman of The Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. I, unfortunately, never met Jim, as he passed away before I was born.
However, Jim’s reputation for creatively solving water problems on a large scale, as conveyed by my family and others who knew him, helped drive my interest in water. This interest was refined by Lois, who encouraged me to consider and become involved in serious issues we face today—whether water or otherwise. Indeed, a major reason for my decision to attend law school was to pursue natural resource and water law. I am very pleased that, today, I practice primarily in that area.
Jim was extremely adept at working with people on both sides of the aisle. His charisma, expertise, and authenticity as a human being have directly informed what I envision a high caliber lawyer to be. Further, both Jim and Lois were deeply committed to serving the public interest, and I hold service to the public and public values in the highest regard both personally and professionally. Being intellectually curious generally, serious and committed to advancing public values specifically, are particular virtues that I strive to emulate in my practice.

Simone Montoya on Her Father Bruce A. Montoya
Simone is a partner at Messner Reeves in Denver, CO. Bruce is an equity partner at Messner Reeves in Greenwood Village, CO.
I have always been inspired by my father’s passion for learning and the law, his commitment to helping others, and his pursuit of justice. These values, taught to me at a young age, were carried over into his practice of law. The majority of his career has been spent defending medical professionals, many wrongly accused of committing malpractice. Defending these cases required him to master and understand very complex medical terminology and practices – certainly not an easy feat, especially considering each case is so unique. I always thought it was really cool he knew so much about medicine just from defending these cases. Once I saw him in trial, I knew I wanted to be a trial lawyer!
In line with his commitment to helping others, my dad also inspired me by engaging in pro bono activities (such as helping a death row inmate in Texas get his death sentence overturned) as well as getting involved in the community, such as educating young students about the law (helping start the Hate Violence Task for to educate youth about biased motivated hates crime and the legal system by hosting mock trials).
Like him, I strive to do the right thing even if it’s difficult and to use my law degree to help other. Like him, I hope to become a great trial lawyer as opposed to a just a litigator.
He taught me to believe in myself, to maintain my sense of humor (especially when things get stressful) and to stay true to who I am.
My nephew, Dominic, will graduate law school this coming spring and study for the bar this summer. Similar to my dad’s support of me, I plan to support Dominic in his legal career and hope I can be a sounding board to him. He has a bright future ahead and I have no doubt he will use his law degree to make a positive impact on others, in continuation of the Montoya legacy! I’m excited to see what the future holds for him!
Karl Hochkammer on His Father, William Hochkammer
Karl is a partner at Honigman in Detroit. William is also a partner at the same firm.
Growing up, I admired my dad’s role as a trusted advisor to his clients, which inspired me to pursue a career in law that challenges me intellectually and allows me to offer holistic solutions. At Honigman, I’ve been able to build on his legacy while charting my own path, embracing diverse responsibilities that contribute to both the firm’s success and my personal growth.
My dad always emphasized being a lifelong student. He taught me that understanding your clients—their businesses, industries, and regulatory environments—is essential to being an effective advisor. His intellectual curiosity and dedication to preparation are qualities I try to emulate every day.
Further, he taught me to the most prepared person in the room. You need to anticipate the unexpected and think critically on your feet. And, he taught me to be open to change and new challenges. A legal career can take many forms, and it’s important to embrace opportunities to grow and evolve.
William Hochkammer on His Son, Karl Hochkammer
In high school, Karl said he would never follow in my footsteps— he did not want to have my work/life balance which was quite different in pre-internet days. But as Karl embarked on his own career journey, his intellectual curiosity and practical thinking skills naturally made him a great lawyer. His interest in the business side of law came later, which was an added surprise, but a welcome one given I’ve served in many roles at Honigman, including Chairman and CEO.
Our connection to Honigman is more than just transactional—it’s deeply personal. Having grown up in this firm and watched it evolve, I feel a unique sense of commitment to its culture and success. Whether we’re discussing firm matters or just catching up, the family and firm connection makes our relationship—and our work—special.
My hope is that Karl continues to have a successful and fulfilling career, defined on his own terms. Karl is already well into his career and has achieved so much, but I hope he continues to value the importance of adaptability, intellectual curiosity, and giving back. We both share a strong connection to our undergraduate alma mater, Lawrence University, where our family has been deeply involved for decades. Giving back, whether through professional or personal endeavors, is an important value to both of us and our families.

Jeffrey Sieben on His Father, Harry Sieben
Jeffrey is a partner at SiebenCarey in Minneapolis. Harry is a founder and attorney at the same firm.
I witnessed my father stand up to corporations that told his clients no. Not always, but he usually won. It was inspiring to see the success of a jury verdict for people who needed it.
More than being an attorney, Dad believed in being a member of society and engaging in multiple ways to help people. He served in the Minnesota Air National Guard and as the Minnesota House of Representatives speaker. I watched how he could help others through his connections with multiple areas of our society. Both the Trial Lawyers and the National Guard seemed to respect Dad’s advice regarding legislation and state government.
He taught me to share my time with others and fight for the people who need my help, not those who pay the most.
Harry Sieben on His Son, Jeffrey Sieben
My son took a great interest in my work when he was growing up, as well as the activities of my three brothers, who are also practicing lawyers.
My hope for his career is that he finds it as satisfying as I did and that he can balance a work/life balance that satisfies him. My aspiration is that he is happy wherever his life takes him. My lesson to him is to be fair with every person he deals with. I have enjoyed immensely working with him and watching his career successfully develop.
Nick Carey on His Father, Jim Carey
Nick is a partner at SiebenCarey in Minneapolis. Jim is the firm’s managing partner.
I was immediately drawn to this type of practice at a young age. Growing up, I witnessed the positive impact my dad had on his clients, their families, and the community. We are afforded the opportunity to be a positive force in the lives of individuals who need help day in and day out.
My dad is always so composed and confident. Practicing in this field is stressful and challenging, and I hope to continue to rise to those challenges with the same level of confidence and humbleness my dad exemplifies every day. He has had a very successful career. I have some big shoes to fill, but he has provided a lot of guidance, directly and indirectly, on how to have success of my own.
There are many lessons he’s taught me, but one that stands out is that we can aggressively advocate for our clients while treating our opposition with courtesy and respect.
Jim Carey on His Son, Nick Carey
I was happy and honored that Nick was interested in the law. He was preceded in his practice by his great-great-grandfather, his great-great-uncle, and his uncle, who were all attorneys and district court judges in Minnesota.
As his father and fellow law partner, I see in Nick so many of the good qualities that define an excellent attorney: compassion, decency, commitment, and hard work. It is so personally rewarding for me to see him grow, accept the challenges of the profession, and realize the rewards of a job well done. Nick will be successful because he genuinely cares about all the things that we should all care about.

James L. Young on His Sons, William J. Young and Gregory J. Young

James L. Young is a shareholder with Westman Champlin & Koehler in Minneapolis. William is an assistant attorney general at the Office of the Minnesota Attorney General in St. Paul. Gregory is a partner at Goetz & Eckland in Minneapolis.
I was the first in our family to practice law, so the legal field was a bit of a novelty. I have four kids, and they were never encouraged to be lawyers. However, when they were young my intellectual property practice allowed me to make it to most of their games, concerts, and events. Kids notice that, so they probably thought being an attorney allows you to be there with your family.
I am proud that Will and Greg have chosen legal vocations of service. The three of us are in distinctly different legal fields, so it isn’t like either one of them followed in my footsteps in that regard. Greg & Will have both become quite proficient in their respective legal fields, and I expect them to continue to excel and serve the state and citizens of Minnesota.

Ilana B. Olman on Her Mother, Randi Klayman Lazarus
Ilana is the managing shareholder for the Florida offices of Segal McCambridge Singer & Mahoney. Randi was the lead bar counsel with the Forida Bar’s Fort Lauderdale Branch. She retired in 2024.
Watching my mom in oral argument at the Florida Supreme Court on several occasions, including as an undergraduate student at Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida, inspired me to practice law. It was evident that the Florida Supreme Court justices were not only familiar with my mom, but they also held her in high regard and valued her experience/expertise in the field. These were inspiring experiences, particularly when I was in college and making decisions about my future.
As my mom spent over 30 years as bar counsel for the Florida Bar (prior to that she served as a Florida assistant attorney general), I spent most of my life hearing and learning about attorney ethics. I believe that knowledge base serves as a constant guide in my practice – always striving to uphold the highest ethical values and standards as an attorney and law partner. I also believe strongly that collegiality is a fundamental part of upholding high ethical standards. It’s important to me that I maintain a respectful and collegial relationship at all times, not only with my colleagues, but with opposing counsel as well.
I’m a third-generation attorney. My maternal grandfather was also an attorney. His name was Irving Bernard Klayman. He practiced in New York from 1953 until he passed in 1987. Additionally, my father, David Lazarus, is also an attorney. He maintains a real estate practice in Aventura, Florida.
Terence Thompson on His Son, Christopher Thompson
Terence is a shareholder with Gallagher & Kennedy in Phoenix. Christopher is a shareholder with the same firm.
Chris’ pursuit of a career in law might have been foreseeable. Law has been something of a tradition in our family: My grandfather was an attorney and a county prosecutor, my younger sister and two cousins practiced law, and my daughter – Chris’ older sister – is a lawyer as well. When it’s your own child making that decision, it carries special significance. Seeing Chris embrace a dedication to law—not because it was expected of him, but because he genuinely wanted to—is very reassuring. He’s forging his own path, and it’s exciting to watch him contribute to the profession.
It is a pleasure to see that Chris has developed a reputation for integrity, dedication to justice, and compassion for clients. He has pushed himself professionally as an excellent advocate for clients. I hope he continually refines his skills, never stops learning, and stays humble throughout his career. Above all, I want him to find fulfillment and meaning in his work, and continue our family’s tradition of service with sincerity and respect for the law.
Being in the same law firm with Chris is incredibly meaningful. While our practice areas differ—his litigation focus and my transactional work—seeing him develop his own style and perspective in the same firm is rewarding. I appreciate the occasions when our paths overlap on a client matter; it’s a chance to combine our strengths. Working together deepens our bond and brings our shared commitment to the law into a more personal realm.
Christopher Thompson on His Father, Terence Thompson
I can safely say that nothing about my dad’s corporate practice directly inspired me to pursue law. Growing up, I never really understood what he did—beyond knowing he was an attorney. Most of my childhood memories involve hearing him dictate notes in the evenings from his home office. I was always amazed that he could pause mid-sentence, recall an error in a previous sentence, and then specify, “In the prior sentence starting ‘X,’ insert a semicolon after ‘Y.’” Aside from that, I remember large files full of paper and plenty of yellow notepads. His practice was a mystery—and, in many ways, it still is.
However, while my dad’s practice itself may not have inspired me, he absolutely did—and still does. He maintains a calm, even demeanor at all times. I honestly can’t recall him ever losing his temper or raising his voice. I’ve seen him in numerous situations—both in the practice of law and in everyday life—where many others (people I admire and respect) would have lost their cool. There are too many great traits to list, but this one especially stands out.
I wouldn’t know where to begin or how to rank his lessons in terms of importance. Perhaps one lesson of significance to my practice is that the law is a far more creative endeavor than most people realize.
Working alongside him at Gallagher & Kennedy, I have the option to hit the “easy button” whenever complex corporate-law issues arise in my litigation practice. The downside, however, is that I rarely receive short answers!

Robert Boatman on His Children, Matthew Boatman and Eleanor Shaffer, and Son-in-Law, Timothy Newman

Robert is a shareholder with Gallagher & Kennedy in Phoenix. Matthew is a shareholder with the same firm. Eleanor and Timothy are both associates with the firm. Timothy is married to Robert’s daughter, Becky Boatman.
I was not surprised that many of my family members decided to be lawyers. Unlike a lot of lawyers, I really enjoy my job. To me, it is the perfect combination of being intellectually challenging, having the emotional and personal satisfaction of helping people, and being financially lucrative. My son-in-law gave up a very lucrative career as an MBA/CPA to join us for that reason (and I get grandkids in town!).
I hope that each of them has a career that exceeds my own and that they are happy while doing so. I have taught them the best of what I have learned over 40 years about how to be an effective lawyer and how to treat opposing counsel and clients. Kindness, a sense of concern, commitment, and a little humor will get you through almost any case. And, of course, a proper balance between work and family. I think it is working so far.
It is wonderful to be able to share my work and my life with three of my kids. I love watching them grow as lawyers and people. I read recently that one of a person’s greatest blessings is when your adult child chooses to spend time with you, and I have that in spades!

Janey Henze Cook on Her Father, Tom Henze
Janey is a shareholder with Gallagher & Kennedy in Phoenix. Tom is of counsel with the same firm.
I grew up watching my dad in court. He is masterful in the courtroom, enough to inspire anyone. I think I always knew I would follow in his footsteps.
He has the respect of his clients, his colleagues, the prosecutors, the judges and the juries alike. I think he does this by taking his cases seriously but not himself too seriously. I try to do the same.
It has meant the world to me to practice with my dad. We have heated legal debates, and also many laughs. We have spent many long days and nights prepping for big hearings, and it’s so nice to be able to do that with a family member. There is a built in trust and each of us wants the other to succeed!
The post 2025 Legal Legacy Special Issue appeared first on Attorney at Law Magazine.

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