For its continued existence, Bob Ambrogi owes four debts of gratitude.
The post The 22nd Anniversary Of LawSites Blog appeared first on Above the Law.

It was 22 years ago yesterday that I launched this blog. For its continued existence, I owe four debts of gratitude:

  • To you, the readers, without whom this blog would have no reason to exist, and whose feedback and engagement over the years has been the greatest reward. There are still a handful of you who have been with me from the beginning.
  • To the advertisers, who have been generous in sponsoring this blog over the years.
  • To everyone at Justia, to whom I will be forever grateful for rescuing this blog from near-demise in 2010 and for continuing to host this blog to this day, not to mention helping us launch the LawNext Legal Technology Directory.
  • To the innovators and entrepreneurs of legal tech, who consistently amaze me with their ingenuity and creativity and make every day of covering legal tech more exciting than the one before.

For more of the story of why I started the blog and how it evolved, see this post.